Pollen Levels - General Information

The following Aeroallergen Network calculations are based on the data reported by all counting stations for trees, grass, weeds, and molds. The National Allergy Bureau (NAB) Report calculates by:

Tree Pollen Levels

Grains per Cubic Meter
Risk Level
0-14 Low
15-89 Moderate
90-1499 High
1500 or more Very High

Grass Pollen Levels

Grains per Cubic Meter
Risk Level
0-4 Low
5-19 Moderate
20-199 High
200 or more Very High

Weed Pollen Levels

Grains per Cubic Meter
Risk Level
0-9 Low
10-49 Moderate
50-499 High
500 or more Very High

Mold Spore Levels (Burkard data)

Grains per Cubic Meter
Risk Level
0-6,499 Low
6,500-12,999 Moderate
13,000-49,999 High
50,000 or more Very High

What This Means to Pollen Allergy Sufferers

Risk Level
Those Who Will Likely Suffer Symptoms
Absent No symptoms.
Low Only individuals extremely sensitive to this pollen.
Moderate Many individuals sensitive to this pollen.
High Most individuals with any sensitivity to this pollen.
Very High Almost all individuals with any sensitivity to this pollen.
Extremely sensitive people could have severe symptoms.