Crowfoot Family (Ranunculaceae Family)
Important genera:
Weed pollen is dominant in the fall.
Crowfoot in Missouri:
- Goldenseal (Hydrastis)
- Baneberry (Actaea)
- Meadow Rue (Thalictrum)
- Columbine (Aquilegia)
- Larkspur (Delphinium)
- False Rue Anemone (Isopyrum)
- Crowfoot, Buttercup (Ranunculus)
- Mousetail (Myosurus)
- Anemone (Anemone)
- Hepatica, Liverleaf (Hepatica)
- Rue Anemone (Anemonella)
- Clematis (Clematis)
Facts about Crowfoot
- Some variations can be poisonous if eaten. They are especially threatening to cows if eaten
while grazing.
Crowfoot Allergenicity
- Crowfoot is not considered a significant cause of hayfever.