Pollen and Mold Center
Reports for week preceding Saturday, August 25, 2018
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This summary shows pollen reports for weekdays within the past 7 days.

Click on the name of a pollen or mold to get general information about it.
Click on the History (Hx) link to get the 60 days history prior to Monday, August 20, 2018.
Click on the Date in the heading row to view the daily risk level report along with any additional observations.
Previous Week’s Report Next Week’s Report
Tree pollens
Ash Hx00000
Birch Hx00000
Chestnut Hx00000
Elm Hx00000
Hickory Hx00000
Juniper Hx00000
Maple Hx00000
Mulberry Hx00000
Oak Hx00000
Pine Hx00000
Poplar Hx00000
Sweetgum Hx00000
Sycamore Hx00000
Walnut Hx00000
Willow Hx00000
Weed pollens
Cattail Hx00000
Dock Hx00000
Goldenrod Hx00400
Lambsquarter Hx02212911
Nettle Hx50643920
Plantain Hx04200
Ragweed Hx034482921
Wormwood Hx00000
Grass pollens
Grass Hx00044
Mold Hx28,89035,36439,48426,25419,243
Air Quality
*Not Monitored – Air Quality data is not recorded from Mid-September to Mid-May.

What do the colors mean?

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